
Karantina (2023) is a Middle Eastern crime drama series that follows Dahab, a former convict who vows to leave the world of crime to support his family after his release from prison. However, circumstances force him back into the underworld to provide for his daughter. The series explores themes of family, poverty, and redemption, set against the backdrop of Beirut and Athens. James Franco plays a key role as an American underworld figure, bringing star power to the production.



Karantina (2023) is a Middle Eastern crime drama series that follows Dahab, a former convict who vows to leave the world of crime to support his family after his release from prison. However, circumstances force him back into the underworld to provide for his daughter. The series explores themes of family, poverty, and redemption, set against the backdrop of Beirut and Athens. James Franco plays a key role as an American underworld figure, bringing star power to the production.

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Goran Kapetanovic, Umut Aral


Adi Hasak, Christine Crokos, Clare Siobhan Byrne


James Franco, Nicolas Mouawad​, Reham Alkassar, Yaqoub Al Farhan, Yasmina El Abd